Cutting Horses For Sale

Smart Bou Lena
2008 Sorrel Quarter Horse Stallion
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 LTE $52,827.81 

Congratulations 2014 NCHA Reserve Champion Open John Deere Super Stakes Classic Ft Worth Texas, Ty Brown on Smart Bou Lena.
4 Youth Points

Smart Little Lena
Doc O'Lena
Doc Bar
Poco Lena
Smart Peppy
Peppy San
Royal Smart


CD Chica San Badger

Peppy San Badger
Mr San Peppy
Sugar Badger
Zorra Chica
La Zorra Mana



Pritchett Cutting Horses
Doug Pritchett
11433 SH 34 South
Quinlan, TX 75474
email: [email protected] 
Fax: 972-563-8458
Doug Cell: 214-236-8341


 Pritchett Cutting Horses. All rights reserved. Site proudly designed and hosted by Big Sky Internet Design.